Put The Word “Romantic” Into Your Next Getaway

Posted on October 16, 2018 in


Put The Word “Romantic” Into Your Next Getaway.jpg

Cultivate blissfully honeyed memories at Silver City Mountain Resort



Traveling — whether to a far-off destination or hunkering down for a staycation — ignites a slumbering feeling that awakens all your senses and creates a vision of the unknown that can capture a restless spirit. Some like to do it solo, while others like to have a buddy — but there are no rules to travel and you spend your years doing both.


The thing about traveling with a romantic partner is, it can expand and be something more inspiring that perhaps your day-to-day home life will never be. A weekend on the road or flying across the country is more stimulating than candle-lit dining dates and shopping.


When you enter Sequoia territory you know it is something uncommon — like you are walking onto sacred ground, and perhaps you are. The towering trees give you goosebumps and leave you in awe. You don’t have to force yourself to pause or put down your phone because being there, a gentle pace is natural. There are many cities near Sequoia National Park, but none are like Silver City. When you stay at Silver City Mountain Resort the timbers whisper their age-old secrets and conjure up what’s been sleeping for so long — and that is what travel does. Join us in today’s post as we explore the reasons why traveling with your partner spans beyond a romantic getaway.   


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Why Travel Goes Beyond a Romantic Getaway



Traveling with your partner is one of the best ways to strengthen and explore your relationship. Travel creates the perfect amalgamation of ebs and flows that quickly flutter past just the romance and fosters many unique and inspiring moments.


Traveling strengthens your relationship as a whole.


There are multiple studies that have found that couples who travel together are happier overall and by no coincidence — travel and the act of doing new things together releases the happy chemical, dopamine. So, whether you are brand new or have been together for decades, traveling somewhere new, may actually lend itself to a happier relationship.


intext5.jpgTraveling resets your pace.


In your everyday life, you likely have a flow with your partner in how things get done which are sometimes boring, monotonous habits. You run to the grocery store after work and meal prep, while they cook and clean up. Laundry is done on Wednesday night. We all have our routines. Travel helps to reset that pace and routine and you learn how to just be together. Whether it is jamming out to your road trip mix in the car or being completely silent — you are able to get lost in the waning and waxing moments.


You’ll learn quirky things about your partner through travel.


Traveling brings up a whole host of things you may never get to discover at home. You may be surprised to learn that your partner loves a good nude beach or that they are a champ at handling food poisoning or changing a tire.


Travel does amazing things for a partnership that may never manifest in your everyday life as you learn more about yourself and your partner.



While on your travels, make a stop at Silver City and book a romantic getaway in the trees.

